
Archive for July 30th, 2008

YIPPEE!!! If I was in a band I’d say I got my first gig. I have a table at the Hingham Farmer’s Market where I’ll be selling my hand-picked and hand-wrapped local sea glass creations. Starting this Saturday, from 10am to 2pm, I’ll have a table and my sea glass necklaces will be on display and on sale!

I can’t wait to see if and how people respond to the sea glass in necklace form. It’s hard to convey what they look like online and the actual color and size and “feel” of the piece. I’m thrilled and nervous. And glad my business cards came in this week and I have a decent stock. What if nothing sells? What if everything sells? What if? What if? What if I don’t worry about what if and see what is?

For more information about the HIngham Farmer’s Market, check out this link:


Since I’m a composting girl with a rain barrel who recycles and has been a veggie for 27 years I find this to be a fun and nice fit. I’ll see what happens and have been hearing great things about local and co-op farms and farmer’s markets. I’m thrilled to be involved in this part of the community in this way. I think the new technical name for me is a NFV – Non Food Vendor.

If you read this and are local, stop by my table on Sat. even if just to say hi.


A Happy NFV

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Heart Story

One is about hearts. My daughter collects them. Glass hearts, rock hearts, bead hearts and those of the people who love her. So, we are talking. She is in bed. She wants me to fill her new stuffed elephant with love. I hug, squeeze and fill it up.

“It ran out,” she says. “Can you fill it up again?”

So I hold on to it but I explain that the love doesn’t run out, it’s endless. I tell her to just imagine an animal she loves and think of it and feel in her heart that love. It’s there, even when the animal is not, and it’s felt.

“But your heart is bigger than mine, so it has more love.”

Me again with the, “love is boundless, endless, doesn’t run out.”

“Except when your feelings are hurt,” she says.


“Yes. When your feelings are hurt, you don’t FEEL the love as much but it’s still there it’s just not so…” and I’m thinking of all the fights I’ve had where the love feels lost, forever and gone. I don’t say that. I say, “You don’t FEEL the love as much,” and you know you’re treading water as a parent when you are repeating yourself.

“So the heart is tipped over,” she says.

“Do you want to trade places?” is what I want to say. “Do you want to parent me?” I think of how the heart is “out of joint,” or maybe sprained and broken when we are in fights, feelings hurt or out of tune with others.  This perfect heart shapes she has: a red locket with a gold flower on top, beach stones heart-shaped, large beads in swirls of color, some multi-color and I imagine then in the body, each one, at a tilt or upside down when we lose our way with someone.

Who says we parents teach and aren’t taught? That’s my heart story which has NOTHING to do with sea glass except sea glass and collecting has helped open my heart.

The other thing.

Everyone loves sea glass. My friend. My neighbor. My brother, his wife, their two children. It’s magic, better than gold but with all the fever of the rush. It’s not a bug everyone gets but once bitten you’re just lost. A lunatic. Obsessed. Possessed. Overjoyed by gems. I know people feel this way about bingo, crocheting, crossword puzzles and fantasy football. I’m sure they blog and talk and share and make things. I’m sure it bonds many and possible tears at some relationships too but I’m changed.

A woman at forty on her beach, me last year, discovering the bounty at the end of my street for years but having missed it. How cliche. How true. It’s contagious. Amazing.

Catch of the Day – the shared enthusiasm, passion and validation we feel when with our tribe in writing, in art or in grief and pain is vital, central and significant.  

Story 2

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