
Archive for February, 2010

Ocean Waves

The waves were crashing over the sea wall last week in a coastal town in MA the day after the storm we missed. From my car I could see them swelling towards the shore and I had to wonder how many pieces of glass were being tossed and thrown and if they were thrashing and fighting or riding the waves like glorious surfers?

There was no beach and I couldn’t hunt. But I could think and dream of hunting and what was happening under the surface. The glass, the gems and the bounty of the sea is coming. It’s a long way until spring is officially here but once Feb. arrives and the sun seems to shine longer and harder, I can feel it. Warm sun on the shoulder blades, flip flops on the feet and a walking willingness to hunt are growing in me.

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I don’t add links to my blogs if the blog isn’t updated regularly. I resent going to visit a page and finding the same old info (as in weeks old) and try to be a considerate blogger if I’m lucky enough to have readers.

Yet, I have had trouble posting and keeping on top of this blog. So here’s my reason. My personal life is in major upheaval. And, my lap top died. One of these things alone wouldn’t do it but together, it’s just a huge challenge. Single parenting with a child who has trouble falling asleep makes the after child is in bed hours more of a hope thanĀ a reality when one has to tip toe down stairs to the computer to add posts. So, I can and will find new times and routines. But, until I do, if you are a visitor, thanks for checking out my site once or continually.

I won’t promise how much I will be posting in the new few weeks and months but I can promise the figuring out if and how I can do it more often is a priority.

And, maybe the warm weather and the spring (hey, it’s in the not just a dream future) will inspire more hunts and posts!

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